
quarta-feira, 7 de abril de 2010

Rumo aos 24

Ok, ok... reflexão momentânea, meu Deus já são 24 anossss *desmaia*
Não se preocupem comigo, não foi nada... Irei sobreviver, só estou tentando fazer a Janete Clair.

Try to find another way


Only save,
try to find another way,
I’m taking what I gave to you again.
Some new day I could understand your face,
you could even hold my hand if you would like to.
It came up unexpected,
I had to follow through
and it’s hard when you were working like you do.
It was easy when you were younger,
you can put it back together,
it was there if you ever wanted it
but you closed the door and said goodbye for good.
So this is a mistake,
try to find a better way,
you were never fond of anything I said.
Can we begin again?
Save it for another friend,
I was happy in my life I won’t pretend,
every time you were expecting to reach out and forgive this,
I was hardened by the look upon your face,
it was easy when you were younger,
you can put it back together,
it was there if you ever wanted it,
but you closed the door and said goodbye for good,
for good…
you were easy

Sabe quando você trata um farrapo como se fosse uma raridade de grife?!

É... arrumei um farrapo de emprego só p/ me ajudar a concretizar o plano de arrumar um outro BEM melhor depois, mas mesmo assim vou tratar esse novo farrapo como se fosse o melhor emprego do mundo... apesar dele ser só "degrau", vida de professorinha de inglês para crianças aí vou eu!

... e o salário, ó!

Tenho tanta certeza de que desta vez as coisas vão dar certo p/ mim =D
Como diria minha mamys "Que os anjos digam amém!"

Comentário de uma aluninha de 6 anos ao me ver: Linda demais! *beijo soprado*